Friday September 20, 2024: The Politics of the Multiracial Right Symposium, Sterling Memorial Lecture Hall

8:30-9:00 - Continental Breakfast

9:00-9:30Welcome and Opening: The Multiracial Right and On-ramps to Conservatism

  • Daniel Martinez HoSang, Joseph Lowndes, Micah English, Minali Aggarwal, Editorial Team for The Politics of the Multiracial Right (NYU Press, 2025)

9:30-10:45 – PANEL 1: Gender, Culture, and the Multiracial Right | Paper Abstracts

  • Cristina Beltran, Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU, “Brown Girl with a Gun: Latina Republicans and Intersectionality on the Right.”

  • Priscilla Yamin, Women’s and Gender Studies, Hunter College,‘She’s the sister you never had': Conservative Online Women’s Magazines and the Politics of Race." 

  • Micah English, Political Science, Yale University, and Loren Kajikawa, Music, George Washington University, “Hip-Hop Republicans: Understanding The Politics of Hip-Hop and Conservatism.” 

  • Bruno Seraphin, Anthropology, University of Connecticut, and April Anson, English, University of Connecticut, “Supremacists Gone Native.” 

11:00-12:15PANEL 2: The Diasporic and Global Right | Paper Abstracts

  • Y Thien Nguyen, Asian Pacific Studies, California State University, Dominguez Hills, Understanding the historical foundations of Vietnamese American conservatism.” 

  • Sangay Mishra, Political Science and International Relations, Drew University, “Indian Americans, Hindu Nationalism, and Conservative Electoral Orientation.”

  • Asli Igsiz, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, NYU, “Anti-Imperial Imperialism in Turkey.”

  • William Callison, Social Studies, Harvard University, “Anti-Liberal Liberalism in Spain.”

12:15-1:15 – Lunch (Provided with advance registration)

1:15-2:30 –  PANEL 3: Young People, Intergenerational Organizing, and the Multiracial Right | Paper Abstracts

  • The Xīn Shēng | 心声 Project, “Feelings Over Facts: The Limits and Possibilities of Challenging Chinese American Conservatism on WeChat.”

  • Elizabeth Torres-Griefer, Yale College ‘24, “Social Media, ‘Conspirituality,’ and the Making of Latina Conservatism.”

  • Debadatta Chakraborty, Sociology, UMass Amherst, “Hindutva and Hinduphobia: Transnational authoritarianism, gendered-racialized youth mobilization and nationalist politics of the Indian diaspora in the US.”

2:45-4:00PANEL 4:  Elections, Candidates, Campaigns, and the Multiracial Right | Paper Abstracts

  • Corey Fields, Sociology, Georgetown University, “The Shifting Face of Black Republicans: Interracial Relations within the GOP and the Platforming of Black Conservative Voices.” 

  • Minali Aggarwal, Political Science and African American Studies, Yale University, “The Racial Politics of Policing: A Case Study on Minneapolis’s ‘Yes 4 Minneapolis’ Campaign and the Blackening of Conservative Politics.”

  • Biko Koenig, Government & Public Policy, Franklin & Marshall College, “Race, Status, and the MAGA Movement.”

  • Eddie Kim, Independent Journalist, “Why Reactionary Politics Are Fueling an Asian-American Backlash.”

4:00-5:00 pm – Reception in Sterling Library Memorial Hall Atrium